SR3520 DSM2 3-Channel Micro Race Receiver

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Manuals & SupportKey Features
- DSM2® spread spectrum
- Micro size
- 3 channels
- Fastest response rate
- Ultra lightweight
The SR3520 DSM2® 3-channel micro receiver combines small size and low weight with the advanced speed of DSM2 technology. Micro vehicles are still one of the latest trends in surface related RC products, and now micro and mini vehicle enthusiasts can benefit from the low latency and high resolution offered by DSM2 technology. This 3-channel micro receiver combines the advanced speed of DSM2 technology with small size and low weight.
Always purchase products from a Horizon Hobby, Inc. authorized dealer to ensure authentic high-quality Spektrum product. Horizon Hobby, Inc. disclaims all support and warranty with regards, but not limited to, compatibility and performance of counterfeit products or products claiming compatibility with DSM2 or Spektrum products.
Attention: Horizon Hobby has confirmed that all Spektrum Products being sold by KoKo Technology are counterfeit. We consider it a danger to use these products, waive all liability and will not support any warranty or service in regards to them.